Tell Congress to protect your rights by voting no on the SAVE Act.
The SAVE Act would require all Americans to prove their citizenship with documentation unavailable to millions and upend the way every American citizen registers to vote. The Safeguard American ...
Raising the minimum wage is a win for workers and small businesses. Two employees wearing masks and gloves clean inside a restaurant as it prepares to reopen for takeaway and delivery orders after ...
America’s Electoral Future How Changing Demographics Could Impact Presidential Elections from 2016 to 2032 The demographics of the United States are projected to become much more diverse in the ...
Leaders in Europe and around the world have decided to implement a financial transaction tax to raise revenue and benefit the economy, and we should follow their lead. Campaigners and European ...
The Center for American Progress is an independent nonpartisan policy institute that is dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans through bold, progressive ideas, as well as strong ...
The Progressive Studies Program is a unique interdisciplinary project exploring the history, intellectual foundations, and public understanding of progressivism in America. The program seeks to ...
Investing in the Nation’s Future: Why Congress Should Emulate Energy States’ Sovereign Wealth Funds States save and invest fossil fuel revenue to build wealth and pay for essential services ...
CAP’s Women’s Initiative is a comprehensive effort to marshal CAP’s broad expertise and promote public policies that enable women to participate fully in our economy and our society.
LGBTQI+ Americans Deserve—and Need—Inclusive Paid Leave Report June 28, 2024 LGBTQI+ Americans Deserve—and Need—Inclusive Paid Leave LGBTQI+ Americans are particularly harmed by the lack ...
2024 Affordable Care Act Marketplace Plan Selections by Congressional District A new CAP interactive explores the proportion of nonelderly people who made federally facilitated marketplace plan ...