Absolutely bring a backup charger or battery pack, but if you forget, you should be able to keep your device charged.
The RedMagic Nova Gaming Tablet brings smooth, powerful performance with a vivid display, great audio and solid battery life.
能适 Nshi 20w正品PD数据线是一款适用于苹果手机和iPad等设备的充电数据线。这款充电线采用了USB-C to Lightning接口设计,支持快速充电和传输数据,让您的设备始终保持满电状态。 该商品目前正在天猫商城促销中,原价26.77元的商品现在只需要17.4元就可以购买到。这是一个非常划算的价格,如果您正在寻找一款可靠耐用且价格合适的充电数据线,那么这款产品绝对是您的首选之一。
Diagnosing iPhone problems from afar has always been difficult. Now you can see and use a phone from hundreds of miles away.
Save over 70% on this MacBook Pro, which comes with the infamous Touch Bar and in like-new condition for only $377.97 (reg.
Apple last updated the Apple TV in October 2022, introducing a new, smaller design, USB-C on the Siri remote, and a bump from the A12 chip to the A15 chip. The product is now over two years old, and ...
近日,知名爆料账号@MajinBu Official发布了一段引人注目的视频,揭示了备受期待的苹果新款手机——iPhone SE 4的外观设计细节。尽管关于这款手机的命名存在争议,部分人士认为苹果可能会命名为“iPhone ...
爆料者@MajinBu Official 近日放出了一段视频,展示了备受期待的苹果iPhone SE 4外观设计。据了解,该机型的设计方案已经确定,预计最快将于今年上半年发布。 根据视频展示,iPhone SE 4采用了类似于基础款iPhone ...
另外,iPhone SE4这种“支线手机”,对苹果来说也是一个测试自研基带的最好机会。 2024年底,彭博社记者Mark Gurman报道称,苹果将在2025推出采用自研5G基带,以降低对高通5G基带的依赖。