娱乐圈又迎来了一位传奇女神的回归,曾经的好莱坞尤物卡梅隆·迪亚兹(Cameron Diaz)以全新的状态重返荧幕。这位在九十年代美貌横扫好莱坞的女星,自2014年电影《安妮:纽约奇缘》后便淡出大众视野,过上了低调的生活。这样的消失让无数粉丝倍感遗憾,然而,她的复出之作《重返行动》(Back in Action)为大家带来了久违的期待和惊喜,令人迫不及待想要了解这一华丽归来背后的故事。
Yet another highlight of 2024 was the growing "film + tourism" trend, which bridged the gap between cinematic storytelling and real-world exploration. Iconic filming locations such as Shanghai, ...
In the late 1980s, a young man who daydreams of action-packed Bollywood heroics finds himself in an orphanage as the Soviets maintain control and the Mujahideen fight to take their land back.