在好莱坞的明星生活中,詹妮弗·加纳(Jennifer Garner)以其坚定的毅力和温情的姿态,在离婚后仍旧与前夫本·阿弗莱克(Ben Affleck)维持着密切的联系。然而,当她的新恋情面临挑战时,加纳的生活再次变得复杂起来。 根据内部消息,约翰·米勒(John Miller ...
根据知情人士透露,加纳不仅担任着孩子们的全职妈妈,还不得不扮演“婚姻顾问”的角色,调节着阿弗莱克与新任妻子詹妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)之间的关系。这种超负荷的生活显而易见地让她感到无比疲惫,她的朋友们甚至开始担心她的身体健康。
Ben Affleck provokes intense emotions in Jennifer Garner's life amid Jennifer Lopez divorce "John is trying to deal with Ben and Jen's relationship by mostly staying quiet, but it's very hard to do ...
John Miller, who has been dating Garner since 2018, reportedly understands that Affleck is the father of the actress' three ...
Ben and Samuel Affleck are enjoying their time with their dogs. The father and son duo were spotted on a walk in Los Angeles, ...