Swedish police confirmed on Wednesday that the death toll in the school shooting in central Sweden's Orebro has risen to 11, ...
警方官员说,瑞典中部星期二 (2月4日)一处教育中心发生枪击事件,有大约10人被打死,包括涉嫌为凶手的人。 这起枪击事件是瑞典历史上最致命的校园攻击案。 厄勒布鲁警察局长罗伯特·艾德·弗雷斯特 (Roberto Eid ...
At least five people have been injured in a shooting at an education campus in Orebro, central Sweden, Swedish Radio reported ...
In a world of mega-churches, a former deadhead turned born-again Christian witnesses a shooting and finds himself on the run ...
In a world of mega-churches, a former deadhead turned born-again Christian witnesses a shooting and finds himself on the run ...
瑞典不乏帮派暴力事件,校园暴力则很少见,但去年9月斯德哥尔摩南部才发生校园枪击案,15岁学生涉嫌打伤一名同学。瑞典司法部长斯特莫(Gunnar Strommer)向公共广播公司瑞典电视台(SVT)表示,这是一起重大事件,政府正与警方保持密切联系。