Athens General Composite 中表现最好的股票为Ekter (AT: EKTr ),上涨4.55%(0.09点),收盘报价为2.07。同时,Piraeus Port (AT: OLPr )上涨了3.29%(1.00点),收于31.40;Coca Cola HBC AG (AT: EEEr )涨2.42%(0.86 点),尾盘收报36.36。
Greece, having emerged from the "dark" decade of economic crisis, now appears as one of the bright "beacons" of growth in Europe, with forecasts remaining optimistic for 2025.
At the Piraeus Nautical Club, George Xiradakis, founder and CEO of XRTC Business Consultants, and Baochun Wang, general manager of CCS Athens-Greece, welcomed their guests, who had the opportunity to ...