"Ćevapi, as the national dish of Bosnia and Herzegovina, are a symbol of unity and hospitality, bringing together people from different cultures and generations," says Admira Hajdarpašić, a restaurant ...
Joe O'Brien, presentador de televisión de la Comisión Australiana de Radiodifusión, no pudo borrar la sonrisa de la cara. Se salió del guion varias veces: "¡Vaya! Qué guay traerles esta noticia". “Se ...
Universities are the latest target of Georgia's ruling party. Earlier in January, the Interior Ministry ordered the expulsion of 25 foreign nationals who had allegedly participated in anti-government ...
En la República Democrática del Congo, la proliferación de bandas de delincuentes juveniles está alcanzando niveles sin precedentes. La respuesta del Gobierno está en la pena de muerte.
This was a shock to everyone associated with the schools, including leadership, teachers, students, and parents, who were informed of the decision only after it had been made.